Volume 4, Issue 5
May 2010
      It’s almost time to keep Pentecost!  This was a very special day when Yahweh sent the Holy Spirit.  In the Old Testament, Pentecost was known as Shavuoth, or the Feast of Weeks.  “Firstfruits” is another term used to designate Pentecost.
      inside this issue
      Bible Quiz Time
      Tongues of Fire!
      Luke 3:22

      So what does Pentecost mean to us today?  First of all we observe it every year along with the rest of Yahweh’s Holy Days.  Pentecost always falls on a Sunday.  The early disciples were gathered together keeping Pentecost in Acts 2 and they received the Holy Spirit.  Before then, the Holy Spirit was only given to a few people that were used by Yahweh then taken away.  Now the Holy Spirit is available to all people who will accept Yahshua and are immersed into His Name.  This was also the beginning of the New Testament assembly—the Greek word is Ekklesia, which means “called out ones.”


“On that same day [of Pentecost] you are to proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live,”

       —Lev 23:21 NIV


       Yahshua kept His promise about sending the Holy Spirit.  When Yahshua says He is going to do something we can always trust Him to carry it out.  Because He lived a sinless life and died willingly for our sins, Yahshua became the First of the Firstfruits.  Yahweh the Father accepted Yahshua’s sacrifice and raised Him from the dead.  Likewise He will also raise from the dead those who die in Yahshua.  Let us keep Pentecost with joy now that we know its deep significance.


Bible Quiz Time!


What other names were used for Pentecost? 
Write them down!

1.  _______________

2.  _______________

3.  _______________


True or False?  Circle the correct statement:

1.  Pentecost was kept by the early disciples.

2.  We don’t need to keep Pentecost today.


Mark each statement that is true.

____Yahshua is the First of the Firstfruits.

____Yahweh the Father accepted Yahshua’s sacrifice.

____Only people in the Old Testament needed to keep Pentecost.

____The Holy Spirit was sent on Pentecost.


What day does Pentecost always fall on?

A.  Monday

B.  Thursday

C.  Sunday

D.  The seventh day Sabbath



What is the Greek word for assembly?




What does it mean?




Tongues of Fire!
      In Acts 2 we read about an exciting event like no other.  The early disciples were keeping the day of Pentecost together when the sound of a strong blowing wind filled the house.  If that wasn’t enough, they then saw what appeared to be tongues of fire that rested on each of them.  All of them were filled with Yahweh’s Spirit and began speaking in other languages!  A crowd outside was bewildered because they heard the disciples speaking in different languages, declaring Yahweh’s wonders so that all the people could understand in their own native languages.  Some people were mocking, however, and claimed that the disciples had been drinking wine.  Peter, however, set them straight!  Yahweh had performed a wonderful miracle that was spoken of by the prophet Joel.  The Spirit was given to dwell in those who love Yahweh.  Try the crossword puzzle below: 


4.   appeared as tongues of ________.

5.  different ones were spoken that day.

6.  special  Holy day kept by the early disciples.



1.  event or occurrence performed by Yahweh that is not ordinary.

2.  the disciple that set the crowd straight.

3.  strong blowing sound

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Luke 3: 22, “And the Holy Spirit descended

on Him in bodily form like a dove…”

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