Volume 4, Issue 12
December 2010
Looks Can Be Deceiving
       Have you ever been in a supermarket with your parents and witnessed an older child throwing a temper tantrum like a much younger child, demanding a certain toy or snack?  And did you also notice the look of frustration and embarrassment on the face of that child’s parent?  If you are a Believer in Yahweh, it is expected that you do not behave like the child described in the supermarket.  Your parents probably are very  thankful that you know how to properly behave at home and out in public.  Perhaps people have even commented to your parents how well behaved you are.  This is good.  You’re being a good example for Yahweh’s way of life.  Your good works will make people glorify Yahweh without even knowing it!
      inside this issue
      Looks Can Be Deceiving
      Places in Yahshua's Life
      Even in a Snowflake

Children, obey your parents in Yahweh, for this is right.


   —Ephesians 6:1 NASB


          Now let’s get back to the scene in the supermarket.  Many of us have indeed witnessed children behaving badly because of wanting certain items that are not good for them.  Sugary cereal and snacks are at the top of the list.  Just because a cereal looks good on a box or is in a television commercial does not mean that the manufacturers have your best interest in mind.  Looks can be very deceiving.   Some cereal makers deliberately market unhealthy cereals to children  because they know that rebellious, worldly children will throw tantrums to get their parents to buy them whatever they want.  These shady manufacturers know also that they can make lots of money by putting a cartoon character on a box.  So don’t fall into their trap!  Obey Yahweh and  choose good, wholesome foods!


    We just learned that looks can be deceiving when it comes to sweet cereals, snacks, toys, and other products marketed to children.  In a way, the whole world sometimes behaves like spoiled little children!  Look at how adults behave  around the worldly pagan holidays.  On the surface, Christmas looks like an attractive holiday with all the sparkling lights,  sweet candy canes, and holiday goodies, but think about the origins of Christmas and the other holidays.  They come from paganism and we all know what Yahweh thinks about paganism. 

      Thousands of years ago, people who did not worship Yahweh were already celebrating holidays to their pagan deities.  People continue in the same practices in our modern world, except for those who worship Yahweh.  Yahweh is allowing the devil to have a certain amount of power over the world we live in.  One of the devil’s strategies is to make something evil look pretty and attractive such as the Christmas season.  He deceives people into thinking that Christmas is “good for the children” so once again children become victims in the devil’s scheme.  Satan wants nothing more than the complete destruction of humankind!

      Christmas time can be an especially difficult time for many believers and especially young people.  If you attend public school, your parents may have had to meet personally with your teachers to explain why you do not observe pagan holidays.  At times, you may have felt discouraged watching the elaborate pageantry of your classmates.  They may have even made fun of you for not participating.  You might have even felt jealous at times when you saw their brand new toys and other items that they got as gifts.  Take heart, young believer!  Your rewards will be much greater than anything here on earth.

      Don’t fall victim to the devil’s scheme to make you feel discouraged.  Keep a cheerful heart as you continue to obey Yahweh.  Always try to do the right thing in whatever you do.   Never give up no matter what.  Yahweh will always be there for you if you continue to obey Him.       


The Places in Yahshua’s Life

    See if you know the answer to each question about Yahshua.  A scripture is provided to help you.  Write your answers on the lines provided.

1.  What town was Yahshua born in?  (Matt. 2:1)____________________________________________

2.  Where did Yahshua live as a child? (Matt. 2:23)___________________________________________

3.  Where did Yahshua first perform a miracle? (John 2:1-12)__________________________________

4.  Where was Yahshua impaled?  (Luke 23: 33)_____________________________________________

5.  Where did Yahshua raise Lazarus?  (John 11:18-44)_______________________________________

6.  Where was the temple where Mary and Joseph found Yahshua talking to the priests?  (Luke 2:45-46) ________________________________________________________________________________

7.  Where was Yahshua immersed by John?  (Matt 3:13)______________________________________

8.  Where did Yahshua give sight to Bartimaeus?  (Mark 10:46-52)______________________________

9.  Where did Yahshua’s parents take him to escape the killing of babies by Herod?  (Matt. 2:13) ________________________________________________________________________________

10.  Where did Yahshua turn over the money changers’ tables? (John 2:12-16) ________________________________________________________________________________

11.  Where did Yahshua talk to a woman at the well? (John 4:5-7)  ________________________________________________________________________________

12.  Where was Yahshua rejected and led out to a hill to be “cast down”?  (Luke 4:16, 27-29) ________________________________________________________________________________

13.  Where did Yahshua ascend to heaven?  (Luke 24:50-51) ___________________________________

14.  Where did Yahshua’s parents take him when He was a young child?  (Matt. 2:13)

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Even in a Snowflake!

      Yahweh’s amazing creation can even be seen in the smallest of things.  Have you ever looked at a snowflake under a microscope?  They are so incredibly beautiful  that they can rival the most expensive works of art. Praise Yahweh for His awesome power!

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