Introducing Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua
Greetings! We are a body of believers who accept both
the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. We hold that
a belief in the Savior is necessary for salvation.
We observe the weekly Sabbath (on the seventh day) known as Saturday, just as did the Savior, Luke 4:16, as well as Paul and the Apostles, Acts 13:42-46; 17:2; 18:4.
We also call our Heavenly Father by His revealed, personal name Yahweh, which He says is His memorial name forever, Exodus 3:15. Most pastors, Bible scholars, and seminary students will acknowledge that Yahweh is the correct name of the Heavenly Father. The short form of His name, Yah, can be seen in many words, including the most popular hallelujah (“halleluYAH,” meaning, “praise you Yah”). It is also found in the suffix of Biblical names like IsaYAH, (Isaiah), JeremYAH (Jeremiah), NehemYAH (Nehemiah), and ObadYAH (Obadiah). The well-known “Jehovah” is a very poor transliteration and never was His name, for there is no J or J sound in either Hebrew or any Semitic language from which we got the Bible.
We study from all versions of the Bible including the King James, which we prefer. Singing, preaching, special music and familiar songs are a part of our worship.
Our membership comes from nearly all denominations and all walks of life. Most began searching for deeper truth when they learned that their former affiliation was teaching another Evangel from what they found in Scripture. We continue to search the Bible for deeper understanding.
Much of churchianity has deviated from the truth of the Scriptures. We make every effort to root out error that has crept into modern worship and return to the paths of pure worship. We believe that the Bible teaches a way of life through the commandments in the Old Testament and from the same example of obedience given us by our Savior in the New Testament. When necessary, we research the original languages of the Bible as closely as we can, assuming and believing nothing unless it is shown in Scripture. As a group we are committed to “study to show ourselves approved” (2Tim. 2:15 ), and to “prove all things, hold fast to that which is “good,” (1Thessalonians 5:21). We meet for worship services each Sabbath at our building complex located three miles west of Kingdom City, Missouri. We also hold worship services in other localities of the country and around the world.
Our own print shop publishes YAIY Beacon, a Bible-based magazine. We also publish a monthly newsletter, YAIY News, to inform members and supporters of this ministry’s activities and progress in proclaiming the Good News of the coming Kingdom. We regularly publish other Bible-related booklets and tracts on sound doctrine. A correspondence course for home Bible studies is available to allow the student to study at his own pace.
YAIY Beacon magazine and all literature are sent worldwide without charge, financed by the tithes and offerings of dedicated brethren and coworkers. Tax-deductible donations are gratefully accepted so that others may benefit from this truth. Both CDs and DVDs of the services held in Kingdom City are also available. Our messages are archived on the Internet on our Sabbath Services page.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Why do you teach the Old Testament?
A. When the Savior walked this earth, the Old Testament was all that was available. He both taught and proved His teachings from the Old Testament. The very roots of our beliefs are found in the Old Testament and our tenets must be in line with both Old and New Testaments. A beautiful harmony exists between both Testaments, which many don’t realize or understand. Paul told Timothy that ALL Scripture is given by inspiration and that ALL is necessary for instruction in righteousness, 2Timothy 3:16.
Q. Why do you insist on the name Yahweh? He has many names.
A. Paul said there are “gods many and lords many,” 1Corinthians 8:5. Lord and god are not names, but titles. “Lord” means “keeper of the loaf,” an inferior title. The word “god” refers to ANY being conceived as supernatural; an idol; a person or thing deified. Yahweh may have titles or appellatives, but He has only one name, Psalm 83:18. The Bible refers to “His” name 108 times; “My” name 97 times; and “Thy” name 109 times. Reference to His name is always in the singular, never “names.”
Q. If Yahweh is the true Name of the Creator, why is it not in my King James Bible?
A. As the first Israelite Apostles and converts to the Savior died off, they were replaced by gentiles ignorant of Hebrew. They relied solely upon the Greek text, which had substituted the Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) with the Greek Kyrios and Theos. These substitutes were then carried into the Latin texts and the English translations followed suit by substituting Lord and God for Yahweh’s Name.
Q. We speak English, so why should we use a Hebrew name?
A. This is like saying, “I shouldn’t use Gorbachev’s name because I don’t speak Russian.” Proper names of persons do not change from language to language. Names are transliterated from language to language, not translated. Names are transliterated by having their sounds carried over to another language. We may speak English, but we pronounce foreign names as foreigners do (perhaps with an accent). We pronounce “Hussein” just as the Arabs and “Toyota” and “Honda” as do the Japanese.
Q. Why not change other Bible names, then?
A. Because only Yahweh’s Name is referred to as holy in the Scriptures. It is not to be altered or eliminated. (The sacred name Yahweh is found nearly 7,000 times in the ancient text, abundant evidence that Yahweh’s name is very important to Him!)
Q. Where can I find proof that the true name of the Almighty is Yahweh?
A. Modern scholarship readily acknowledges Yahweh’s name. Most good dictionaries, encyclopedias, and prefaces of many Bibles confirm that the proper name is Yahweh. (Look under “Jehovah”; “God, names of”; Tetragrammaton”; “Yahweh,” etc.)
Q. What about the Savior’s name?
A. He said He came in His Father’s name, John 5:43. “Yah” is the family name (Ps. 68:4, KJV). The Son’s name, Yahshua, means “Yah is salvation” or “Yah’s salvation.” The Savior Yahshua was the salvation sent to earth, Matthew 1:21. The Messiah’s mother Mary (Miriam) was Hebrew. She did not give Him a Latinized-Greek name that has no inherent meaning.
Q. How do we know the Creator spoke Hebrew?
A. Much evidence reveals that Hebrew is the earth’s original language, as the Old Testament is filled with Hebrew (Semitic) names from Adam and Eve onward. Yahweh spoke only to those who understood Hebrew, and the earth was of one language until the confusion of tongues at Babel. The Semitic language survived through the sons of Eber who apparently did not remain in the plains of Shinar , but dwelt at Mesha near Mount Sephar, Genesis 10:21-30. Their language —Hebrew—was unaffected by the Babel incident.
Q. Why do you emphasize the importance of the Name and the Sabbath?
A. These are two of the most ignored and neglected of all the Ten Commandments (3rd and the 4th). The Sabbath is a sign between Yahweh and His people (Ezek. 20:12 ; 20). Yet, the majority in churchianity observes Sunday. He seals His people with His name, Rev. 7:1-4; 14:1 (NIV), who are then called by His name, Daniel 9:19. They are in a special covenant with Him. His holy days, called Feasts, were given at Sinai along with the Ten Commandments (Ex. 23).
Q. But aren’t the Feasts Jewish and done away at the cross?
A. Leviticus 23:2, 4, 37, and 44 call them “Yahweh’s Feasts", not “Jewish” Feasts. They were given to Israel to be kept as a statute “forever,” 23:14, 21, 31, and 41. The Jews came from Judah, which was only one of the 12 tribes of Israel. The “ordinances” taken away at the torture stake (Col. 2:14) were the dogma or man-made decrees, not laws from the Creator. Revelation 12:17 says there will be a faithful remnant in the end days keeping the commandments.
Q. What is your mission and who can be included?
A. To preach the Good News of the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father by the media available as well as personal sharing with all who will hear —regardless of race or gender. See Romans 11.
© 2007, 2016 Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua
2963 County Road 233, Kingdom City, Missouri 65262
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2963 County Road 233, Kingdom City, Missouri 65262
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