Greeting in Yahweh’s Esteemed Name, from a few scattered Brethren here in South Africa.
We are closely affiliated to the dear brethren of the YAIY in the United States, who so kindly supply us regularly with the Beacon Magazine, and other literature in bulk, consisting of booklets, and articles. Then from here we distribute them mainly by post to those who request the literature, of which we now have 80 people (families) on our local South African mailing list. We do have a few people close to us who come and collect the literature when it arrives, which helps cut down the costs of postage which is a bit costly and sometimes unreliable, especially posting anything to any of the countries north of us.
Yahweh has blessed us having the email system, so we are able to serve the people north of us, and thereby we are able to assist them by sending our articles, mini studies, and conducting the YAIY Bible Correspondence Course, all electronically. We have tried posting Sacred Name Bibles from here to Kenya, and Nigeria, and each time they were “Lost” on the way! Things like this we cannot afford to keep trying!
We are living in a country which has nine official national languages. Hence, there is a great need for tolerance, and understanding in dealing with the various beliefs people have. Now, having Yahweh’s Wonderful Message of Truth given so freely to us, we do come up with various difficulties: mainly the language problem. Yet, we know in Yahweh’s Time, He delivers what is necessary for His Word to get to His People.
To those who do not understand the situation in this country, we do have two basic European languages spoken here: English, inherited from the British/ French, started with the 1820 Settlers, and Afrikaans which has developed from the Holland (Dutch)/ Germanic languages.
A while back Gary & Karen van Schalkwyk came into the Truth, and showing such a great deal of spiritual growth, they began translating all the lessons of the Bible Correspondence Course, and many of our articles which are now being distributed to the Afrikaans community.
At this point in time, Deacon Gary and his wife are such pillars of help with the Work we have here, and are an encouragement to us. As we have contacts spread out in so many other towns and places we have become a very scattered family of believers. Hence, we do call the Assembly here the Scattered Assemblies of Yahweh. Also, we know there are many other Assemblies dotted all over Southern Africa, but sadly many of them either hold on to worldly churchianity, or become engulfed into the Jewish /Hebrew teachings, instead of obediently, and faithfully following the Sacred Scriptures. (ALL OF IT)
Just to show how much of Yahweh’s Message is getting out to those in the Northern African Countries, a list includes: Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, South Sudan, Uganda, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, D.R. Congo and Madagascar. We have a contact list of over 180 addresses.
Finally, we have a very faithful couple in Madagascar who are helping out with letters, and enquiries we receive in the French Language, and above all, they are busy translating the YAIY Bible Correspondence Course into French, and Madagascan. We must also realize it is not just plain translation to be concerned with; it is also the tie-up between other Translations of the Scriptures in other languages which have to be dealt with. This is no easy Task!
Yahweh is about to begin another year, a year closer to Yahshua’s Return. Yahweh is calling His people to WATCH at ALL TIMES and be READY and OBEDIENTLY in FAITH, DOING HIS WILL.
May I take this opportunity in thanking all the dear brethren in the Assembly for their help and prayers to our Almighty Father, Yahweh that His called out servants all around the world can carry out His Work unhindered by the unruly powers of this world. For YAHWEH alone is our Healer, Protector and Wonderful Provider through our Saviour Yahshua Messiah.
Yahweh’s blessings, In Yahshua’s Love and Peace,
Elder Lionel and Sister Sandra.