Last Friday, September 7, 2018 was the 25th Anniversary of the First Friday Spiritual Activity of the Zamboanga State College of Marine Sciences and Technology (ZSCMST) and the college have long decided to have a worship service for this special occasion. Among the 10 different Christian congregations and YAIY which sponsor this spiritual activity every first Friday of the month, I was chosen to be the speaker for this 25th anniversary attended by the 10 different Christian congregations and 13 pastors, the college president and administration, faculty, staff and students which numbered about 175 persons. I was also the one who prepared the worship service program (songs, Psalm reading, etc.). I was so happy because the whole gathering sang songs of praise in the Names of Yahweh and Yahshua which was led by a pastor from the Alliance Church! The whole congregation also heard my message using the Sacred Names. It would be a lot different if I was not the speaker. The pastor from the Word for the World who was assigned for the opening prayer arrived late so it was Bro. Per Bayan who prayed using the Sacred Names. Abba Yahweh indeed works in wonderful ways. I thank Him for making use of His humble servant to preach to this big Christian denominations that gave an encouraging feedback.
I'm busy preparing for the coming Appointed Times and I wish you all a blessed Feast.
With love in the service of Yahshua,
Elder Eddie Tadea